Updated normative sample representative of the general U.S.The subtests in each battery are subdivided into core and diagnostic subtests. The subtests are organized in two batteries based on age: Early Years and School-Age. Two of the original DAS subtests, Block Building and Pattern Construction, have been combined and four new subtests added. It has 20 cognitive subtests, including 17 subtests from the original DAS. The DAS–II is built upon the strong cognitive foundations of the original DAS. Can be used with Children’s Memory Scale or NEPSY to incorporate information on memory function.Compare ability scores over time, even when normative scores cannot be obtained for a child of a given age.Compare performance on the subtests, tapping similar constructs from each battery to test hypotheses about the reasons for high or low scores.Predict achievement on the basis of ability equally well for African American, Asian, Hispanic, and White/Non-Hispanic children.Identify a child’s strengths and weaknesses so the appropriate IEP goals, intervention strategies, and progress monitoring can be developed.Use DAS-II to identify learning disabilities and intellectual disability and properly evaluate Spanish-speaking or deaf or hard of hearing children or giftedness. The DAS–II is an individually administered, clinical instrument for assessing the cognitive abilities that are important to learning.